Friday, August 28, 2009

Instantplugpay Reveiw

I asked my questions and here is the answer below from their support

1. you make money by referring other people to your affiliate link for and for selling products in your store
2. Yes, you can
3. you can join via credit card or paypal. You can also join as a free member with limited benefits
4. we pay out either via plimus and will be adding alertpay soon. we pau is US dollar
5. The costs vary depending on which membership type you want to go for
6. this is entirely up to you. We have members who already make more than $6000 per month and we only launched this new site last month
7. Promote your affiliate link and the products in your sotre to earn money
8. we have a helpdesk( this one) which you may make use of as often as you like. we will also be adding a trainign section to the backoffice soon
9. Ch-Design cc (reg No: 1993/024984/23)
534 helberg Street
Moreleta park,
South Africa

Tel: +72-83-715-9550

10. We are not allowed to hand out our member''s email addresses. However, on our website you will see testimonials with website addresses of the people who gave the testimonials. You are free to visit those websites to obtain a contact email address to contact the people who gave the testimonials.

I don''t know about bangladesh, but in most of the rest of the world you don''t need permission from any authority to do business online, the same as anybody can just start a business ofline.

Last but not least, if you need to find out if I am legitimate simply do a googgle search for my name: Craig Haywood

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